Archived News
In our new paper in PRL, we use non-Hermitian skin effect to turn a BIC (bound state in a continuum) "upside down." (Dec. 2022)
Our review article on non-Hermitian topology is published in Nature Reviews Physics and is featured on the Cover of the December issue. (Dec. 2022)
Dr. Dongyi Wang has joined our group from Fudan University. (Sep. 2022)
Dr. Ma receives the C. N. Yang Award (AAPPS-APCTP). (Aug. 2022)
New paper in Nature! We show how topological modes can be entirely delocalized from boundaries with the help of non-Hermitian skin effects. (Aug. 2022)
Our work on non-Abelian braiding of light is highlighted by the "News & Views" in Nature Photonics! (May 2022)
New paper on topological disclination modes pinned at zero energy by chiral symmetry published on PRL with Editors' Suggestion, and a Synopsis! A successful collaboration with Prof. Yun Jing's group at PSU and Dr. W. A. Benalcazar at Princeton! (Apr. 2022)
In a new paper in PR Applied, we demonstrate the possibility of controlling disordered transient sound using reconfigurable metasurfaces. Congratulations to Qiyuan, the youngest of our group members, on his first-ever paper! And big thanks to our collaborator Dr. Philipp del Hougne from Univ. Rennes! (Apr. 2022)
Our first attempt at photonics ends up in Nature Photonics! Grateful to Prof. Xu-Lin Zhang and Prof. Hong-Bo Sun (and other collaborators) of Jilin University for the amazing on-chip non-Abelian photonic braiding experiment! (Mar. 2022)
By taking advantage of non-Hermitian topology, we demonstrate the complete set of permutations in a non-Abelian D3 group. Read about it in our new paper on National Science Review. (Jan. 2022)
We report the successful realization of non-Abelian braiding and quantum-logic operations in acoustics in a new paper on Nature Physics! And it comes with a nice piece of commentary! (Dec. 2021)
Our recent work on transverse sound and its spin-orbit interactions has received attention from many news agencies: Phys.org, Science Magazine, Science Daily, Sohu, Netease, Chinahot! But please do read our paper if you really want to learn about it! (Dec. 2021)
Congrats to Dr. Wei Wang on his first PRL, reporting a new type of 3D hybrid topological phase in synthetic-reciprocal space. (Nov. 2021)
A new member joins our team: Dr. Zhen Li from Xi'an Jiao Tong University! (Nov. 2021)
In this collaborative work with Dr. Shubo Wang, we show how structured sound can mimic elastic waves by displaying not only shear response but also "micro-rotation" degrees of freedom. Kudos to Guanqing for performing the experiments! Read our paper on Nature Communications! (Oct. 2021)
It is well-known that topological edge states can guide waves to propagate alone edges. In our new paper in PR Applied, we show that they can also guide waves in the direction perpendicular to the edge, and even achieve negative refraction! (Oct. 2021)
Do you know that the energy carried by a wave emitted by a small source can "hesitate" about leaving the source? Read our new paper in PR Applied to see how and why! (Jul. 2021)
We report in a new paper in PRL methods to obtain non-Hermitian winding numbers associated with eigenvalues and eigenvectors by experimentally performing a stroboscopic holonomy. (Jul. 2021)
A collaborative paper on wave manipulations using topological boundary modes is published in Science Bulletin. Congratulations to Ze-Guo and Guanqing! Big thumbs up to Dr. Changqing Xu and Prof. Ying Wu in KAUST for another wonderful joint effort! (May 2021)
Two papers for Ze-Guo in one week! This one is on PRL! We demonstrate in an acoustic waveguide array the dynamic pumping of topological boundary states and observe non-adiabatic transition therein. (Feb 2021)
Our new paper on PRX is about a topological insulator in 4D hyperspace! 4D topology offers a nice route to achieve interesting properties along edges and at corners in the real space! Congratulations to Ze-Guo! (Jan. 2021)
Congratulations to Ms. Tang on the new paper on Science! See how exceptional pathways converge to form a nexus with a multitude of fascinating properties! (Nov. 2020)
New blood! A warm welcome to Mr. Xulong Wang and Mr. Qiyuan Wang! The former is a PhD student and the latter is a junior RA. (Nov. 2020)
Our review article "Topological phases in acoustic and mechanical systems" is included in Nature's collection of "40 years of quantum Hall effect"! (Sep. 2020)
Dr. Ma is awarded the President's Award of Outstanding Performance as Young Researcher. (Aug. 2020)
Dr. Wei Wang (PhD Sorbonne University) has joined our group. (Aug. 2020)
New paper in PRApplied: see how "imperfect" perturbations can be leveraged for realizing bound states in the continuum in an acoustic cavity array. (Jul. 2020)
Topological corner modes appearing in different systems can have subtle differences. We have done some model studies and proposed a possible route to observe these differences. Read our new PRB paper to find out how! (Apr. 2020)
See how a double-zero-index material twists and rotates the propagation of sound in all three dimensions while preserving the wavefront in our new PRL paper! Good times collaborating with Prof. Yun Lai and Prof. Ying Wu! (Feb. 2020)
Dr. Ma is awarded the first-ever NSFC Excellent Young Scientist (Hong Kong & Macao) grant. (Nov. 2019)
Dr. Jie Luo (Soochow University) is visiting our group for one week. (Oct. 2019)
Mr. Guanqing Zhang joins our group as a joint-PhD student of HKBU and SUSTech. (Sep. 2019)
Mr. Licheng Wang joins our lab as a trainee. He will spend the next three months with us. (Sep. 2019)
This August, three students spent a month in our lab as summer exchange students: Yang Tan (Nanjing U), Pengqi Li (HUST), and Dunjian Wang (Soochow U). We thank their wonderful efforts and wish them a bright future! (Aug. 2019)
Dr. Susumu Miura, a research manager from Nissan Motors, visits our lab. (May 2019)
New blood! Dr. Ze-Guo Chen (PhD KAUST) and Dr. Weiwei Zhu (PhD Tongji University) join our group. (Apr. 2019)
Months of efforts have led to a review article on topological acoustics and mechanics. Million thanks to Prof. Meng Xiao and Prof. C. T. Chan for a wonderful collaboration! A reprint is available here (© Springer Nature). (Mar. 2019)
We bid farewell to Dr. Xue Jiang, who will join Fudan University as an associate professor. Big thanks for her great efforts in our group! (Mar. 2019)
Ms. Weiyuan Tang joins our group. She will spend one year with us as an exchange student. (Feb. 2019)
We welcome a group of 8 scientists from LAUM (Le Mans, France) to visit our lab. (Jan. 2019)
This week, our lab receives its first visitors: Sir John Pendry, Prof Mathias Fink, and Prof Meng Xiao! (Nov. 2018)
Dr. Shiqiao Wu (PhD South China University of Technology) joins our group. (Nov. 2018)
Welcome to the new group member: Dr. Xue Jiang (PhD Nanjing University). (Oct. 2018)
Dr. Ma travels to Helsinki for the conference of Metamaterials 2018. He delivers an invited talk. He also chairs a session of acoustic metamaterials. (Aug. 2018)
We've realized an exceptional point that behaves differently when approached from different directions in its parameter space! Read the latest PRL for more. (Aug. 2018)
Another (and much longer) story on our recent work of wavefield shaping for sound on the August 2018 issue of Physics Today! (Aug. 2018)
Physics Today reports on our recent work on controlling reverberating sound! (Jun. 2018)
Dr. Ma attends ESMC 2018 in Bologna, Italy and delivers an invited talk on elastic metamaterial. (Jul. 2018)
Dr. Ma attends META 18 in Marseille, France and delivers a talk titled "Controlling Reverberating Sound with an Acoustic Metasurface". He is also organizing and chairing the special session on acoustic metamaterials. (Jun. 2018)
Reverberating sound field under control! Want a quiet zone? No problem! We can make one just for you anywhere in a room! Read our paper on PNAS to see how! (Jun. 2018)
Dr. Ma delivers an invited talk at "IUTAM Symposium of Acoustic/Elastic Metamaterials" hosted by Beijing University of Technology. (Jun. 2018)
Dr. Ma attends "Greater Bay Area Symposium of Wave Functional Materials" at Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, China. He delivered an invited talk on wavefield shaping for reverberating sound. (Jun. 2018)
Dr. Ma visits Soochow University, Nanjing University, Tongji University (Shanghai), and Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou). He gave invited presentations titled "Novel Ways of Sound Field Control with Acoustic Metamaterials" in all four universities. (May & Jun. 2018)
How to exploit absorption to focus better in 3D? Read our latest paper on Nature Physics and find out! (Mar. 2018)
Sound vortex with a twist! Our paper on the effect of the geometric phase of a sound vortex in a twisted waveguide is published on Science Advances. (Feb. 2018)
Dr. Ma joins the Department of Physics at Hong Kong Baptist University as an assistant professor. (Feb. 2018)
This site is online! (Feb. 2018)